Direct Psychic


Ipswich, Australia
readings by phone
readings by face to face

About Ward

From humble beginnings in England and Canada, Monica, and then her family, migrated to Australia to start a new life, leaving behind her adopted son. Conned and duped by one man; and then married to an alcoholic, the father of two of her children, her indomitable sense of humour, huge heart and hard work carried her through until she was able to explore and develop her psychic and clairvoyant abilities.

Along the way, she found time to open and run a home for street children; and her healing journey takes her to the Philippines and Brazil.

'The first spiritual book i read was 'There Is A River' about Edgar Cayce. At the spiritualist church we used the teachings of Silver Birch. Looking for some of these books recently i was amazed to see he channelled through Maurice Barbanell. I remember my mother saying once he was a second cousin or something of hers but never took much notice. Spiritual things were not dicussed in the family back then as everyone was a staunch church goer. The information on him on the internet is an exciting dicovery for me only second to the fact i can use the thing at all. I wont be beaten by my grandchildren.'

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