What an Accurate Psychic Reading Can Offer You Now!
Gain Insights, Clarity and Direction For Your Life Now In the Areas of Love, Relationships, Work, Health and Life.
A psychic reading with Paul Boulton helps to show where you are now and what is coming up for you. Accurate psychic readings can also provide probable outcomes about known and often unknown factors.
Paul has the ability to discern information about you, your life, relationships, working, and domestic situations through the use of his heightened intuitive abilities.
Paul is considered a Master of Tarot. He has been a Tarot reader for over 40 years and has conducted one-to-one and group training over the decades. He considers the Tarot an excellent tool to represent the client's life issues and opportunities in the moment.
Paul uses the Hanson Roberts Tarot Cards. The gentle imagery of the Hanson Roberts Tarot Cards is important for Paul, especially when working through difficult questions or traumatic topics with clients.