After many years of studying Norse Mythology, Rune Divination and the art of Seiðr, I have honed my craft to a high degree of accuracy. This ensures each rune reading is detailed and guides you to the answers you seek.
As the author of the Norse Goddess Rune Oracle, I am passionate about bringing the divine feminine back to the runes. I use these cards, as well as my handcrafted river stone runes and fruit tree wood runes to bring you messages. You may ask questions or seek general guidance, health and legal advice will not be given. The nature of our Wyrd is such that your choices and the choices of others shift and shape the future, and as such, responsibility will not be taken by the reader for your decisions.
The Elder Futhark is the oldest runic system with each rune having a name, a sound, and a meaning. It is believed that the Norse used the runes to imbue magic into their weapons, as well as creating runestones to record stories and messages. Historical evidence, from archaeological runestones, bracteates and weapons to poems and Eddas have shown that the runes were a powerful source of knowledge during the pre-Viking era. The word 'rune' means 'mystery' or 'secret'; we use the runes to uncover the mysteries of life and to guide towards our true path.